Indentura vault smart contracts are used to manage deposits and withdrawals for funding tokens and LP Token shares. The following security measures are contained within these smart contracts:
- Access controls for deposits and withdrawals - Addresses must be granted LP_ROLE at the smart contract level to deposit and withdraw
- Access controls for processing deposits and withdrawals - Addresses must be granted TELLER_ROLE access at the smart contract level to process deposits and withdrawals
- Access controls for enabling and transferring funds from Vault smart contracts to trading addresses for funds deployment - Addresses must be granted DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE access at the smart contract level to approve and transfer funds to trading wallets / smart contract addresses
- Locking period for deposits - Locking periods are in place to ensure that LP Token shares are minted with accurate measurement of the current pool value.
- Cooldown period for withdrawals - Cooldown periods are in place to ensure that Funding Token redemption amounts are transferred with accurate measurement of the current pool value.