Defining the Strategy

Decentralized communities and sharks come to Indentura in order to pool capital for blockchain-based yield-bearing strategies. Strategies have the below core components:

For new pools the maximum pool size will be capped at $100,000 or equivalent in USDC. Once pools show prolonged performance, pool size can be expanded via approval by governance members.

In addition, Indentura pool strategies have defined pool parameters including eligibility criteria, portfolio concentration limits, early amortization triggers, and minimum shark portfolio percentages. Pool parameters may specify the following:

Approving Pool Parameters

Whales, sharks, and agents review pool parameters and propose them for vote on DAO governance forums such as Aragon and Realms. Once pool parameters are approved, Indentura pools can be launched. DAO governance forums are also used to propose and approve any updates to pool parameters.

Pool Strategy Page